Traffic Rider Tips and Tricks for Getting High Scores

Traffic Rider Tips and Tricks

Traffic Rider super cool bike riding game. It’s like stepping into the shoes of a daring rider, dodging cars, and racing against the clock. It comes with super HD graphics, which is its standout feature.

So you know that game, It’s awesome, right? But sometimes it can get kinda tricky, with cars everywhere and the clock ticking. Don’t sweat it though, because we have got some totally rad tips to help you cruise through the game like a pro. Buckle up, cause we’re about to dive into some seriously cool tricks to conquer Traffic Rider!

Traffic Rider Tips


Practice is essential for any task or learning endeavor. Success cannot be achieved without it. In Traffic Rider, you need to practice to become a pro player. There is a mode in Traffic Rider called ‘Free Ride’ where you can practice. In this mode, you can reduce the traffic density to zero and clear all traffic while riding freely.

As you become more skilled, you can increase the traffic density, adding a challenge to your ride. By planning this way, your confidence will increase, and you’ll be able to easily pass difficult missions.

Traffic Rider Practice


We all know about horns and use them when driving bikes or cars in real life. Similarly, Traffic Rider has a horn feature. It helps you during the game. When you press the horn while riding, the traffic in front of you will move aside, clearing your path.

Traffic Rider Practice


Overtaking a vehicle during real-life driving can be dangerous. Similarly, in Traffic Rider, you need to overtake carefully, or you could crash. However, successfully overtaking vehicles during the game will earn you rewards.

Traffic Rider Practice


You control your ride in Traffic Rider using controls. You can customize your control settings. You can choose the tilt option, which makes your mobile device tilt left and right to move the bike accordingly. Alternatively, you can enable the handle feature, which places virtual handles on your screen for steering.

If you use the handle feature, your riding will be a bit slower. Therefore, it’s a good idea to choose the tilt feature for faster gameplay.

Traffic Rider Practice

Safety First

Just like in real-life driving, safety is crucial in Traffic Rider. Otherwise, your bike could crash, and your mission will end.

Paying Attention to Traffic

While riding in Traffic Rider, you will encounter heavy traffic. You need to have a firm grip on the controls to navigate through traffic smoothly. You can also use the horn to make traffic clear your path.

Making Your Bike Stronger

The stronger your bike, the faster it will go. So, choose a cool and fast bike. You need to maintain your bike because during the game, your bike can collide or crash, which reduces its speed. Therefore, bike maintenance is necessary. Traffic Rider has a garage feature where you can maintain your bike.

Traffic Rider Practice

Try Different Game Modes

Traffic Rider offers four exciting and challenging game modes. If you’re not succeeding in one mode, try another and keep practicing. This will improve your overall gameplay

Traffic Rider Practice

Time Management

Time is very important during the game. To win the game, it is necessary for you to reach the final destination within the given time. You can quickly clear the stage by riding a fast bike or you can repair the old bike in the garage before using it, you can make it better so that there is an increase in your bike speed.

During the game, you can increase your time by overtaking. When you overtake a car, you are rewarded with an increase in time, which helps you progress in the game.

Cash in Traffic Rider

In Traffic Rider, you need cash to unlock bikes, and for that, you have to clear as many missions as possible. If you want unlimited cash for free you can download the mod version of Traffic Rider.


We’ve explored Traffic Rider tips to help improve our riding skills. Practice is essential, especially if you’re new to the game. You can practice in the free mode. Having a strong grip on the controls will make your gameplay faster and more efficient.

Additionally, it’s crucial to manage traffic and use the horn to clear your path. These are the best tips for Traffic Rider that, when applied, can enhance your bike riding experience.


Yes, Traffic Rider Mod APK for iOS is available on mobile phone.

Traffic Rider Mod APK for iOS offers unlimited features, including money, bikes, and missions.

By choosing the right bike, mastering bike control, using the right strategies for overtaking, avoiding collisions with other vehicles you can win easily traffic rider.

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